A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Friday, June 16, 2006

Flied Lies

When there were only Italian people with German knowledge, telling me that my German was emproving kind of fast, I could easily disagree and think that they had a bias (but you need somebody who pushes you forward, no...?)...when a Romanian taxi driver, more than tipsy, told me the same once, at three in the morning, on his ´80s Mercedes, I did not find him convincing (but he is my favourite taxi driver anyway so far); when a client, a young doctor (man, unfortunately) flirted with me at the restaurant and stated my German is veeeeery good, considering that only 6 weeks were gone by, I could definitely get the trick...
But when I go to a new language school - this time paid by the EU - and I am placed in the second level, I finally get some satisfaction for my self; at the same time a tiny rage scratches my stomach...all these language problems are B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T-S, as far as people can also do some other things together, not just talk or debate over the new balance of power among the states in the Far-East Asia...and last but not least, everybody is able to learn and emprove: that is the mos important difference (my personal opinion) between human beings and mosquitos or any other living creature: we are able to learn the whole fucking life...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quanod vuoi iniziare con lo spagnolo fammi un fischio jejejejeje
un basetto