A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Friday, July 07, 2006

Few days ago a good friend of mine sent me a postcard that made me think somehow...it was at first sight nothing special...a long road that seemed to be an highway of some south-western state of US: written in big letters, on this highway picture, a sentence that sounded like: "If you walked in the middle of the road, you´d risk to be hitten by the cars on both sides". A Margareth Thatcher statement, oh my God...
True, of course...I even got the subtle - not that subtle , actually - message behind it...but then today while I was sitting in my new favourite restaurant in Berlin (you would love it) - a place that could be easily put in some southern European villages and nobody would say it does not fit - at four in the afternoon, waiting for some wind that never came (today Berlin scored 35 or 36 degrees...), it happened to me to read, once more, a sentence taken by I. Kant. It is: "The Starry Sky Above Me and the Moral Law Within Me". Ok, it is taken out of its context: the meaning (my meaning: I got some classes of philosophy at the high-school for three years but I hated my teacher as much as Margareth Thatcher probably) is that every person has, during his life, to cope between these two boundaries, these two already given realities, these two starting points somehow...in the book I was reading at that moment, this sentence was wonderfully placed and so consistent with the story - Hrabal; Inzerat na dum ve kterem uz nechi bydlet (obviously translated in Italian), that it made me make a connection with the postcard...

Probably it is easy to live standing on the side of the road, looking for a taxi or staring at the riders, but it´d be kind of boring...no?
Im not gonna make a revolution, obviously, but I am definitely subversive according to Mrs. Thatcher´s standards, and not only according to them...easy actually...but anyway true...
I do not want to wait until my side of the street turns to be interesting or stimulating...I hate to entertain myself only with stupid conversations if I do them with people I consider(ed) to be special...
The stars are not always wonderful enough, and the moral law is probably ever-changing, at least in its particular aspects, but please, please, please, let´s get rid of the common sense...at least with the people and with the things we really care about...
You got it?

P.S. I am not gonna do any outing: I am not gay and I´ll never be...

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