A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Still cold

So today it seems it is still winter; the school was kind of boring and it seems like the teacher, though too young for this, suffers of some menopause side-effects: she would keep the window always open....damned! When it is cold, just close it!....but probably German people are used to this strange spring time....are they cold? Are they close? Would they show their feelings? Would they express themselves without the need to make detailed questions? Would they cry when something is sad and howl when something is awesome? I don´t knwo yet...But after all: Would I either? Probably....
I go to work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Aligator,
it is cold again in Brno.But our teacher doesn`t want to open the window even when there is no air to breath...so, those are teachers;-)I`m waiting for answer to all those questions, just to see what influence on Czech people and their attitude Germans had:-)
I`m still shouting when I`m happy:-)
kisses from this cold country without sea and sun....
PS Blog works! Yaba-doooooo!