A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Back in Berlin: Lp sales

Today I woke up deadly tired...few hours of bad sleep as always so lately...I was drinking my coffee in a small cafe before going to the language school and I got a flyer from a man: "Till saturday we sell Lps for two euro!". Yeah, commercial for a music store. So after the school I went to this store and I actually realized why the lps were so cheap: half of the offers were damned aweful music...but then, after a long research, I found two albums by C. Stevens that I think I´ll be able to play in the restaurant...there is this one song in "Back to Earth" whose lyrics are so defining and well describing a situation familiar to me too...but it is weird: I just read the lyrics and not heard the song yet...
I think I broke the heart of one of my school mates when, two weeks ago, I told her that: 1. J. Cash was dead; 2. C. Stevens is now a kind of orthodox muslim; 3. Beth Orton is lesbian ( I made up the third by myself just to sound more interesting...). IFirst she thought my German was so poor that I could not tell her what I wanted but then, she understood and she was really surprised...but, Hallo, would you make a movie on the whole life of somebody who is still alive....? I mean in this case at the end the director should write "To be continued..." or" To be finished soon (hopefully)"...not very nice for the person concerned...no?
But anyway in these last two months I am more looking for music made just with few instruments, more connected with folk somehow, more intimate and whispered...and I started to re-evaluate the role of the lyrics in a song...I usually did not pay attention to that...
Id love to get a lp player now...it is so charming to touch the lps and read them...and the covers are usually much more meaningful because of their size...
Hope for you all a nice week-end. Have to go to work now...

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