A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

First post from a Linux computer...

Even if not very present on the media, there is series of ongoing discussions about important and relevant topics in the European Institutions (and not just about the lost of one post in a parliament with 600 deputees: 1/72 is so irrelevant)...most of them are not probably strange to me too.
Though I consider myself a pretty skeptical European citizen, even more when it is about integration matters, I do find this discussion very interesting and promising in its attempt to put in practice some common rules for the whole Union: general rules that could deal also with the non (directly) economical profitable sectors.
Have a read, if you feel like. EUobsever on environmental sanctions.
Have a nice day you all.

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kozmcrae said...
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