A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

With the same sounds of feathers falling on mattresses, my thoughts slowly turn in circles..."Der Weltpresident" (so much bullshit on the German media auf einmal), Tolstoy and his anarchist tendencies, Ammaniti and his funny and weird first book, a story of cheating that never ends, the warmest Berliner November days of history...I sleep randomly, I wake up often and at the strangest times ever...I am busy in my mind and empty of small things in my soul...I think "do it yourself, share with others" is an awesome and right starting point...where are you though?

I am not sure Christmas is further enough to accomplish all the things I have to.
But I stay positive, like that old odd Streets´song

Travis - Ode to J. Smith (hmmm)
Anthony and The Johnsons - EP (Amazing)
The Felice Brothers - Ibid.
The Faint - EP (Oh My God 1.1)
Jack White and Alicia Keys - The Single (Oh My god 1.2)

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