A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

dienstag der 22.

When you think you need to smoke, but you actually just have not eaten for ages...
When you think you are just in a bad mood, but you have been drinking too much, too often...
When you think your day is too long...
When you do not do anything for hours...
When you look for some plans, and you find yourself in the laziest mood ever...
When you realize you have good friends, but it is not enough...
When you think you can spend time by yourself, and yourself does not agree...
When sex is just the fullfilment of a biological need...
When there is no beauty all around...
When you hope music is the answer, or at least the company...
When you are not able to go into a shop by yourself...
When you escape company, because you know you would actually need it...

When you realize that it could be worse, of course, but really much worse...?

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