There is such an over-the-top absence of any form of intelligence in what the Polish government, through the speeches of its two major representatives, said in the last days before the Brussels meeting of the European Council took place.
One thing made such a big and bad impression on me: in an attempt to change the voting system of the future European Council ( that should be derived whatsoever both from the calculation of national entities and population), it has been said that the Polish weight on it should be calculated also summing up all the victims that Poland suffered during II WW. It is one of those assessments that are against any form of logically-structured way of reasoning.
I guess that the Czech Prime Minister, Topolanek, said something that sums up my thoughts:“When I heard that, I felt a cold stream running through my back.“
What strikes me so much is the stupidity that this couple of last-minute politicians are able to condensate in 80% of the things they say. I have the feeling that they do not represent so many of the things I knew about Poland and its beautiful and curious, tollerant and sensitive people. I am so disappointed on one side, and sad on the other because I have the feeling that there is no way that this is going to change soon. The Polish government seemed able to be pro the American government even after these catastrophical 7 years of the Bush jr ´s Foreign Policy (that is rather a miracle); it is close minded, filled up with rancid catholic intolerance, against Germany, Russia and EU, apparently, and not coping really well with the problem of the thousands of Poles, that every year are going abroad to be better off than back home.
I think that being European implies also to have the right to criticize politicians of foreign countries when they are going over the top: I hope the Brothers will leave their posts soon: Poland deserves much better and Europe needs Poland much more than Poland needs the two racist brothers living in the world of rage.
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