A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Justice will not be made, ever.

Just to put few circumstances in perspective:

(1) it is a piece of news from yesterday that "Mr." Berlusconi actually bought Italian deputees so that the government by his only real political challenger, Mr. Prodi, would fall.

(2) Given the length in the proceedings and in the first trial, due primarily - please note - to the fine tactics of the "best" Italian lawyers he can afford paying because to the immensity of his wealth and also due to the sclerotic judicial system he did not even dare reforming in the almost 10 years he spent as PM, the sentence will never be applicable i.e. he will not spend a single day in jail.

(3) That screams for injustice and social revolt from every possible perspective.

(4) It is beyond my understanding that people do not go on the streets, boycott all his media empire or stop voting his accolytes and supporters (shares of votes for his scandalous club-wanna-be-party dimished lately, though steadily >10% nationally).

(5) Given all that, it feels more and more difficult to ever think to go back to such a neurotic, self-condescending, culturally biased, disillusioned, filled-with-double-standards, unable-to-ever-bounce national community currently going under the name of Italian Republic.

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