A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rear-view mirror

Some people think they need memorable events in every day of their lives as a sort of fuelling effect on their existences; some other take that for granted, no matter what happens - turning stories or events upside down is a well-known practice all over the world...
I do not feel I belong to any of the two categories...still I guess special things make life special.

It would be kind of satisfying if I could remember any of these last weeks for something special...something not connected with huge hangovers or sex in the ladies´ restroom of some bar. Because, apart from that, and from the loads of music I have been listening to, it is so difficult for me to recall if some minor event took place last Monday or three fucking weeks ago...It is probably a matter of attitude, it could be argued, and I could agree too...the thing is that having spent three days home alone because of a cold made me realize that very vividly.

I watched movies, youtube crap, tv serials, tv shows, listened old and new music, worked a bit too, read newspapers and books, articles and magazines...now I can talk with you, him, her, anybody, about the eccentricity of Steve Albini, the similarities (I found) between Architecture in Helsinky and Broken Social Scene, the beauty and every-day-more-main-stream charme of Chan Marshall, or about Primaries in the US, the Australian Open or the right size of the glas for a Sour (at least the one size I like the most!) but I just have to admit that I am very lonely in this city.
Maybe well informed, maybe not sad or depressed anymore, probably aware that is just temporary...very alone though.

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