From May 20th through June 16th you can have my room in Neukölln Berlin.
The apartment is 110sqm. On the 4th floor, it has bathtub, wifi and phone, washing machine, fridge and all you need.
The room is 20sqm. Two windows and a balcony heading east (around 4 sqm.)
Option 1: Room swap
You live in New York and want to come in Berlin at the end of May. We swap your room or apartment in the Big Apple with my room: I would be in N.Y. only from June 10th to June 17th while you could stay here for the whole period (May 20th to June 16th).
No cost for you in this case.
Option 2: Room rent
Price is 450€ to be paid half in advance and half at your arrival.
Here attached you can see some photos of both the room and the apartment.
In case you are interested, mail me.